books, chapters and Peer-Reviewed articles
- Sanna Kopra (2019) China and Great Power Responsibility for Climate Change. London and New York: Routledge (read a book review)
- Timo Koivurova & Sanna Kopra (eds). (2020) Chinese Policy and Presence in the Arctic. Leiden: Brill Publishing. (read a book review)
- “The futures of Sino-Russian cooperation: Implications for climate (ir)responsibility in the Arctic.” (with Karoliina Hurri) In: Iselin Stansdal & Gørild Heggelund (Eds.) China-Russia Relations in the Arctic: Friends in the Cold? Cham: Springer, 2024.
- “China’s Arctic Strategy – a Comprehensive Approach in Times of Great Power Rivalry.” (with Matti Puranen) Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies 6(1), 2023.
- “Applicability of leadership modes outside the negotiation framework: insights from China.” (with Karoliina Hurri) Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 28(6), 2023.
- “China and the Polar Regions.” (with Nengye Liu & Jiliang Chen) In: Yoshifumi Tanaka, Rachael Johnstone & Vibe Ulfbeck (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Polar Law. Routledge, 2023.
- “China and the Arctic.” (with Yuanyuan Ren) In: Kamrul Hossain & J. Miguel Roncero (Eds.), Arctic law in 1000 words. Rovaniemi: University of Lapland, 2023.
- “The Arctic from the Perspective of the English School of International Relations: A Novel Research Agenda.” The Polar Journal, 2022.
- “The War in Ukraine as a Critical Juncture: China, Russia, and the Arctic Collaboration up to 2035.” (with Liisa Kauppila) In: Lassi Heininen, Heather Exner-Pirot & Justin Barnes (Eds.) Arctic Yearbook 2022, 2022.
- “China and a New Order in the Arctic.” In: Tonny Brems Knudsen & Cornelia Navari (eds.) Power Transition in the Anarchical Society: Rising Powers, Institutional Change and the New World Order. Palgrave MacMillan, 2022.
- ”Kiinan geopoliittiset tavoitteet ja toiminta arktisella alueella” [China’s geopolitical goals and activities in the Arctic region]. In: Ossi Kettunen (ed.) Arktisen alueen geopolitiikka 2000-luvulla [Arctic geopolitics in the 21st century]. Helsinki: National Defence University, 2022.
- "China’s Rise and the Arctic Region up to 2049 – Three Scenarios for Regional Futures in an Era of Climate Change and Power Transition.” (with Liisa Kauppila) The Polar Journal, 2022.
- “Great power responsibility and international climate leadership.” In: Robert Falkner & Barry Buzan (eds.) Great Powers, Climate Change and Global Environmental Responsibilities. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022.
- “Responsible international citizenship and China’s participation in Arctic regionalization.” (with Liisa Kauppila) In: Lassi Heininen, Heather Exner-Pirot & Justin Barnes (Eds.) Arctic Yearbook 2021. Akureyri: Arctic Portal, 2021.
- “Finland’s Arctic Policy and the European Union”. In: Andreas Østhagen & Andreas Raspotnik (Eds.) Looking North: The European Union and Arctic Security from a Nordic and German Perspective, 42-59. Berlin and Oslo: The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, 2021.
- “Rauhantyön merkitys 2020-luvulla: Kohtaavatko rauhanjärjestöjen tarpeet ja politiikan retoriikka?” (with Karim Maïche & Mikko Räkköläinen) Kosmopolis 52(4), 46-63, 2021.
- "The Elusive Norm of Climate Responsibility: The Belt and Road Initiative and COVID-19." (with Matti Nojonen) In: Lassi Heininen, Heather Exner-Pirot & Justin Barnes (Eds.) Arctic Yearbook 2020. Akureyri: Arctic Portal, 2020.
- “Leadership in Global Environmental Politics.” In: Nukhet Sandal (Ed.) The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies. Oxford University Press, 2020.
- “China, climate change and the Arctic environment.” (with Karoliina Hurri, Liisa Kauppila, Adam Stepien & Yulia Yamineva) In: Timo Koivurova & Sanna Kopra (eds.) Chinese policy and present in the Arctic. Leiden: Brill Publishing, 2020.
- “China’s Arctic policy.” (with Timo Koivurova, Marc Lanteigne, Matti Nojonen, Malgorzata (Gosia) Smieszek & Adam Stepien) In: Timo Koivurova & Sanna Kopra (eds.) Chinese policy and present in the Arctic. Leiden: Brill Publishing, 2020.
- “China’s economic presence in the Arctic: realities, expectations and concerns.” (with Adam Stepien, Liisa Kauppila, Juha Käpylä, Marc Lanteigne, Harri Mikkola & Matti Nojonen) In: Timo Koivurova & Sanna Kopra (eds.) Chinese policy and present in the Arctic. Leiden: Brill Publishing, 2020.
- “Conclusion: China’s policy and presence in the Arctic.” (with Timo Koivurova, Marc Lanteigne & Adam Stepien) In: Timo Koivurova & Sanna Kopra (eds.) Chinese policy and present in the Arctic. Leiden: Brill Publishing, 2020.
- “Introduction to China’s Arctic engagement.” (with Timo Koivurova) In: Timo Koivurova & Sanna Kopra (eds.) Chinese policy and present in the Arctic. Leiden: Brill Publishing, 2020.
- “China, Great Power Responsibility and Arctic Security.” In: Lassi Heininen & Heather Exner-Pirot (eds.) Climate Change and Arctic Security. Searching for a Paradigm Shift. Palgrave Pivot, 2020.
- ”Suurvaltavastuu ja johtajuus kansainvälisessä ilmastopolitiikassa: Englantilaisen koulukunnan näkökulma” [Great power responsibility and leadership in international climate politics: the English School approach]. Kosmopolis 40(3), 42-56, 2020.
- “Responsibility for climate justice: the role of great powers.” In: Paul G. Harris (ed.) A Research Agenda for Climate Justice. Edward Elgar, 2019.
- “Climate Change and China’s Rise to Great Power Status: Implications for the Global Arctic.” In: Matthias Finger & Lassi Heininen (eds.), The GlobalArctic Handbook, 124–139. Cham: Springer, 2019.
- “China, Great Power Management, and Climate Change: Negotiating Great Power Climate Responsibility in the UN.” In: Tonny Brems Knudsen & Cornelia Navari (eds.), International Organization in the Anarchical Society. The Institutional Structure of World Order, 149–173. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.
- “China and the UN climate regime: Climate responsibility from an English School perspective.” The Journal of International Organizations Studies, 9:2, 59-74, 2018.
- “Pohjoinen on punainen? Kiina ja Arktiksen uusi alueellistuminen” [The High North is Red? China and New Regionalisation in the Arctic] (with Liisa Kauppila), Kosmopolis 48:3, 22-39, 2018.
- “北欧对国际气候政治的贡献” [Nordic contribution to international climate politics]. In: Lassi Heininen & Jian Yang (eds.) 北极合作的北欧路径/Sino-Nordic Arctic Cooperation: Objectives and Approaches, 120–126. Beijing: 时事出版社 (Current Affairs Publishing House), 2018.
- “Kiina, ilmastonmuutos ja arktinen turvallisuus.” [China, climate change and the Arctic security] In: Johanna Kelhu (ed.), Arktisen alueen turvallisuus: Globalisaatio ja uudet toimijat. Helsinki: Suomen Sadankomitea ry, 2017.
- “Kiinan vastuukasitykset Arktiksella.” [China’s notions of responsibility in the Arctic] (with Liisa Kauppila) In: Johanna Kelhu (ed.), Arktisen alueen turvallisuus: Globalisaatio ja uudet toimijat. Helsinki: Suomen Sadankomitea ry, 2017.
- “Great power management and China’s responsibility in international climate politics.” Journal of China and International Relations 4:1, 20–44, 2016.
- “’Länsi’ ja Kiinan poliittinen identiteetti.” [”West” and China’s Political Identity]. Kosmopolis 46(3), 37–46, 2016.
- “China’s Consideration of Ethics and Justice Issues in Formulating Climate Change Policies.” In: Donald A.Brown & Prue Taylor (eds.), Ethics and Climate Change: A Study of National Commitments. IUCN Environmental Policy and Law Paper No. 86, 53–61, 2015.
- "China’s Arctic Interests.” In: Lassi Heininen, Heather Exner-Pirot & Joël Plouffe (eds.), Arctic Yearbook 2013. Akureyri, Iceland: Northern Research Forum, 107–122, 2013.
- ”Kiina – vastuullinen kehitysmaa? Kiinan ilmastodiskurssit ja globaali vastuu.” [“China – a responsible developing country? China’s climate change discourses and global responsibility.”] Alue ja Ympäristö 42:2, 64–73, 2013.
- “Is China a Responsible Developing Country? Climate Change Diplomacy and National Image Building.” Global Asia Journal. Paper 13, 2012.
- Arktinen harppaus: Kiinan turvallisuusstrategia ja arktisen alueen geopolitiikka. (with Matti Puranen & Ville Tiuraniemi) Helsinki: National Defence University, 2023.
- A New Climate: The Impact of Russia's War on a Melting Arctic. (with Colin Wall) Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, 2022.
- Arktinen yhteistyö uuden edessä: Analyysi Venäjän hyökkäyssodan vaikutuksista. (with Timo Koivurova et al.) Helsinki: Valtioneuvoston selvitys 2022:2.
- China in the Arctic; and the Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese-Finnish Arctic Co-operation. (with Timo Koivurova et al.) Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja 8/2019. Helsinki: Prime Minister’s Office, 2019.
- Kainuun ilmastostrategia 2020. [Kainuu’s climate strategy 2020]. Kajaani: Kainuun maakunta -kuntayhtymä, 2011.
- “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility? China and International Practice of Climate Responsibility.” Doctoral dissertation. Acta Electronica Universitatis Tamperensis: 1713. University of Tampere, 2016.